Here is an example of a woodland garden with a great entrance walk and a paver parking area with natural boulders in the landscaped bed.

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A side view of this entrance walk and paver parking area. The fountain fits very well in this landscape and adds sound as well is visual interest. The plantings with various foliage textures, colors and flowering times will keep this entrance interesting throughout the year.

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A closer look at the plantings and the fountain.Woodland img 1

This generously sized patio is framed with large planters constructed with concrete masonry units and capped with rock edged Pennsylvania bluestone. These planters are a perfect spot for the owner to grow herbs, vegetables and flowers. The planters make for an easy to grow, maintain and harvest kitchen herb garden. The plants love the abundant sunshine found near the patio.

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The planter height was designed to allow them to also be used as seating during outdoor gatherings.

The patio space has been separated into different areas, one for the dining, entertaining and herb growing and another, more private space, for quite relaxation in a hot tub.

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Viewing this patio from a side angle.

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This view shows the walk connecting the two entrances to this outdoor space from the home. A planting area containing a large crepe myrtle and some upright boxwoods adds some shade, flowering interest and privacy for the two outdoor spaces – one for dining and entertaining and the other for relaxing in an outdoor hot tub.Woodland img 4

Another view showing the planting space within the patio. This large Crepe Myrtle provides immediate impact and offers shade and softening for this large outdoor space.


The custom cedar trellis provides structure and enclosure for a tender fig plant to be grown espalier fashion against the screen. This trellis also serves a dual purpose by giving some screening from a private driveway and home on the other side of the wooded area.

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